Best Way to Rent Rooms in Your House

I LOVE Amsterdam and I'chiliad then glad that I moved to holland. Finding expat housing in Amsterdam is difficult. When I moved here, I didn't know how to discover an flat although I'thou past flat #iii already. Hopefully, this helps fellow expats observe a room or an apartment to rent in Amsterdam!  I include tips for finding an apartment in Amsterdam, rental housing data that yous demand to know, a costless download to continue track of applications, the best neighborhoods to look in, and strategies for finding housing.

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LEGAL DISCLOSURE: The information in this blog post ("post") is provided for general informational purposes only, and may not reflect the electric current constabulary in your jurisdiction. No information contained in this post should be construed as legal communication nor is it intended to exist a substitute for legal counsel on any subject field affair. For data about housing laws, please await on the Woon or Juridisch Loket websites.

No reader of this post should act or refrain from interim on the basis of any information included in, or accessible through, this post without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional person advice on the particular facts and circumstances at result from a existent estate/lawyer licensed in the appropriate licensing jurisdiction.

There are large-scale changes at present in effect as of in 2022 that impact yous as a renter in Amsterdam. You can read almost them here (in Dutch).

If you're really looking for information about finding a expert accommodation for a vacation, click for my hotel picks in Amsterdam!

FAQs nearly flat renting in Amsterdam

How much does it cost to rent long term in Amsterdam?

In the city center, there is a lot of variation. These prices are sectional of utilities equally of 2020.

  1. ​A unmarried room for a single person. Expect 700-1200 euros per calendar month at minimum, if not more than, depending on location, infinite, and amenities. It should be noted that the new changes regarding the 2022 law will make information technology much harder to go a room in Amsterdam, so these prices might increment as a upshot.
  2. Studios are rare to find.  Expect to pay i,200+ euros per month in the city heart (non-inclusive) for a pocket-size apartment.  I lived in a studio that is 45 square meters.
  3. 1-two-three bedroom flat.  The average is about 1300-1500 per month for a one-2 bedrooms even among my Dutch friends.  It tin can go up higher (1500-2,500+) if you're looking at larger apartments or "expat" places. This price depends a lot on location and look to pay a lot more if you lot're in the ring in a nicer area.

I've at present written a mail virtually the full cost of living in Amsterdam from rent to utilities, then please click here for more than info!

How long does it take to find an flat or room?

Programme on 2-3 months of staying in a short-term rental and having the funds to comprehend that. That'south the boilerplate for most people I know, myself included. Information technology is hard to discover an apartment here.

Don't await an apartment to fall into your hands without a lot of searching and disappointment unless your visitor finds you an apartment.  (If your visitor is finding you an apartment, they're likely to use a housing service, which will make things very piece of cake.)

I strongly recommend reading about the 2022 Amsterdam housing law changes, which will strongly impact the market. Landlords will need to apply for the right to rent out rooms inside an apartment that is non intended for groups and there will be limits on how many houses are intended for groups (e.g. shared housing). Similarly, y'all will need to have a charter with your landlord/housing corporation directly. Please read up on these changes to avoid getting scammed.

I'chiliad visiting Amsterdam in a month. How can I rent an flat?

The housing market is terrible.  If yous tin can, please stay off Airbnb and stay at established hostels/hotels as in that location are a lot of residents struggling to observe housing. This article is for residents, not tourists.   If you're a tourist, you can read almost the best areas to stay in Amsterdam and hotels that I tin can recommend. In the coming year, there will be fewer Airbnbs and B&Bs as this process volition be more than strictly regulated.

Modern scene on Pride in Amsterdam showing off modern rentals in Amsterdam. Read how to find a flat in Amsterdam for expats!

Housing Vocabulary

Social v. Non-social housing aka Free sector / Vrij huurwoningen

In the Netherlands, there is something called social housing.  If you make under a certain income, you can apply for housing where the rent is a maximum of 738 euros.  There is a very long waiting list for apartments in Amsterdam (7-16 years…). There also is a lottery, but it also requires meeting the income requirements.  (There is an exception for refugees.)

If y'all are an expat, you lot cannot alive in social housing without applying through the government and meeting all the conditions. If the hire of an entire flat is nether the minimum for social housing, you do not qualify for it.

If y'all're not cleared to rent in social housing by the government, y'all can just find housing in the not-social sector (aka the free sector) where at that place are NO maximum rents and the hire needs to be over the minimum for social housing.

Note: it is generallyILLEGAL to sublet a social housing flat, so if social housing is mentioned by a roommate/landlord, your housing is most likelyillegal. Both y'all and the actual tenant can be evicted if the authorities finds out.

Expat v. Dutch / Non-Expat Housing

The cost and convenience are the main difference.Expat rentals (aka list is in English language merely) are much more flexible and competitive.  They're probable to have most of the utilities taken care of, come semi-furnished/furnished, ask for fewer documents, and be more competitive.

Your contour in terms of finances/job contracts matters more as the owner often decides who is the renter. The income requirements and prices volition be higher with expat rentals as there is a perception that expats have more money.

Yous demand to be careful with expat rentals equally the real estate agencies (makelaars) act as middlemen, and then it is important to know your rights.

​Equally someone who has washed both Dutch and expat rentals, the Dutch rentals (aka listing is only in Dutch)are a better deal cost-wise, just they require a lot more paperwork, reading some Dutch, potentially some handy work, and oft negotiations with the previous owner.

Well-nigh importantly, you lot'll need to figure out how things work on your own (e.thousand. fix your own water / net / gas). Many of these are through large housing corporations, and then the selection process is less personal and more than based on who applied offset who is qualified.  If yous're moving here as a non-Dutch speaker, information technology is possible, just information technology won't exist easy.  It's easier in one case you've been here for a year (or more than).

Furnished 5. Semi-Furnished v. Unfurnished

Unfurnished means it comes without kitchen appliances, washing machines, and a floor. It may not even exist painted.

You tin save a lot this fashion although it's mutual to notice an unfurnished place where you can negotiate with the previous tenant to keep some of the appliances/floor for a price.  This cost is negotiated between you and the previous tenant once the apartment is rented. Yous may have to install your own soundproofing (the floors are THIN hither!) AND floors.

Nearly people do not want to rip up the floors when they leave, so negotiating shouldn't likewise difficult if you can find out a fair used price for everything you're getting. Y'all can cost used floor on Marktplaats to find a fair price.

Semi-furnished.  This usually means you get the bare minimum: a fridge (sometimes), floors, and fresh paint.  …That's information technology.

Furnished: Merely found on the expat market. Wait a much higher toll. The furniture will non be yours, so yous will need to be careful with the article of furniture equally you may need to pay for damages.

If you're on a tight budget , an unfurnished (if you tin can negotiate for the floors) or semi-furnished place is all-time. You lot can furnish your place inexpensively using IKEA, maarktplaats, or the expat Facebook groups. You'll relieve a lot buying gently used furniture and appliances.

Inclusive or Exclusive

Inclusive:Mostly only the example for expat apartments. You'll commonly pay quite a bit extra for this, but it is quite much easier at first. Some apartments cover some aspects, only don't include gas/electric.

Exclusive: You'll need to pay city taxes, h2o, cyberspace, gas, and electricity on your own. After you motion in and register at your accost, waternet and urban center taxes will be automatically sent to yous. (Be sure to note the initial readings of your water/electric prior to move in.)

You'll need to set upwards your own gas/electric and net about one month before you motility in. It's fashion easier than you lot realize and you can always call client service to inquire how to prepare it upwards in English!  (Greenchoice can be used for both gas/electric and XL4All is a well-regarded net provider.)

Income Requirements

Unless you're making a very high income, getting a whole apartment as a single person will be near impossible as most landlords expect for your rental to income before taxes ratio to exist ane/iii, i/iv, or i/5 the hire (depends on the rental).  (Gross = Earlier Taxes.  Cyberspace = After taxes.)

​1/3 Ratio = You (and a partner combined) make 3x the rent per month earlier taxes.  If your partner is not employed, you'll need to have a higher income to rent (usually with a 1/five).

Freelancing will injure you.  Even if you have an amazing income, it will hurt yous as most owners adopt to see a contract for a ready menstruation (12 months+) to guarantee that you tin pay the hire. Yous will need a lot of extra coin to guarantee the possessor that you can afford it for a single apartment or find a room rental where your roommates are more lenient.

Moving to Amsterdam? Tips on how to find housing with rental apartments & room shares in the Netherlands. Includes expat advice, strategies, & neighborhood advice.

Housing Must-Knows

What is a Makelaar? (They're Real Estate Agencies)

I was taken reward of by 1, so know your rights before y'all do. The big housing corporations have standard forms for their many apartments and many of these will be on the Dutch market.  For the expat market, you're more than likely to deal with the real estate agencies who act like flat brokers for individual owners.

If Yous rent the real estate agency to helps y'all detect an flat, you're the i who pays the fee when you find your apartment. Technically, the fee should not be as key turnover fees were banned, simply yous typically end up paying something to hire an agency.

It should not exceed one month'southward hire..  If the landlord is the one who hired the real manor agent, they are the one who pays the makelaar fee. It is ILLEGAL for the real estate agencies to ask coin from both parties and to enquire for more 1 month as a fee. Know your rights.

Amsterdam housing scams

Nobody besides scam artists volition rent to you without meeting you in person and carefully checking over your paperwork.Exercise Not Transport Money TO A STRANGER ON THE Cyberspace. I don't care how prissy the place is, merely there are lots of scam artists targeting the expat community and those new to it as they know SO LITTLE about renting.

If the person simply has an email/telephone number, it's not existent. You'll need to wait until you arrive here to get an flat that is not temporary.   You lot can find temporary rooms through Kamernet.   It is becoming harder now due to new laws.

For most rentals, y'all'll need to view it in person before you lot're offered it.  It'southward typical to find an apartment i month ahead of move-in. That's it.

Is subletting legal in Amsterdam? Not actually…

You need to be careful with this.  For many of the big housing corporations that ain many of the buildings in Amsterdam, subletting is Non allowed unless the possessor/housing corporation agrees ahead.  If you can register there, it'southward likely that it's okay.

If you lot only have a charter with your landlord/roommates and not with the owner/housing corporation itself, exercise not agree to this as under the new housing laws, every tenant (even if you're merely renting a room in a larger house) must have a lease with the landlord themselves. Similarly, it's i person per room.

A friend of mine had a lot of trouble after it turned out that her roommate/landlord was illegally selling the address for people to register at.  As the lease was betwixt the landlord and the building, she was able to proceed her apartment while he was evicted.

Kamers!? What?

Kamer is the discussion for room.  When you're searching, it oftentimes lists the number of rooms, but it does not count the bathroom and kitchen. Instead, it counts the stardom between the living room/ bedroom.

1 kamer means information technology is a studio flat and two kamer means that information technology'southward a one bedroom apartment.If y'all are a single person, information technology is VERY unlikely you can get annihilation beyond a studio apartment in a good neighborhood without a high income.

How to register your apartment with the Dutch authorities

If yous cannot register there, it is illegal. Typically, you tin register at a temporary address/hotel at first, but you must have a registered address with the regime after a couple of months for official reasons to receive your BSN number (important for life/depository financial institution accounts/jobs).

If you have people who are not living there who are registered there, that is illegal. The city of Amsterdam has a number that y'all tin telephone call to investigate housing fraud.

Where to search for room rentals

Kamernet is where to look for room rentals.  Treat it seriously as you volition probable be interviewed past your potential future roommate(south) about everything, from your habits to your finances.

Is Amsterdam pet-friendly?

Cats are not always considered pets here every bit they ofttimes aid with the mice (an result), so if you take cats, you should not have difficulty finding an flat on your ain–although it might be trickier finding roommates okay with the cat.  Dogs / other animals are harder to find an apartment with.

Beautiful canal houses in Amsterdam. Read how to find the perfect apartment in Amsterdam for expats in this guide to renting in Amsterdam!

All-time neighborhoods to alive in Amsterdam

I ever encounter a lot of questions request where to live in Amsterdam.  It's a lovely metropolis, but it depends on your needs (family-wise/financially) and commutes to work.  Be aware of public transit in the expanse.

You lot will probably wheel to work, even so, Amsterdam has a robust public transit organization, including trams, buses, and the Metro.  It's best to know which neighborhoods are most convenient for your piece of work and which lines get to your job directly (when you lot tin can't bike). If you alive in the city and have a auto, it might exist expensive to park it on the street as you'll need to pay a monthly fee.

The nicest areas of Amsterdam are within the ring (aka Prinsengracht and Eye) orde Jordaan. Close to West close to Vondelpark is too pricey.De Pijp and Prinseneiland are beautiful areas where information technology is slightly more affordable, but y'all'll however pay a premium for the neighborhoods.

Oost is chop-chop changing although it'south more affordable although finding an apartment in that location tin can be tough for this reason.  (For more than about neighborhoods of Amsterdam, click here for my personal guide to my favorite neighborhoods!)

Cheaper, just more modernistic is the Eastern Docklands (Cruquiuseilands, Zeeburg, KNSM) for spacious newer rentals that are good for families/couples. Similarly, expat families should consider Amstelveen, where it is possible to rent a house, which is where i of the international schools is located.

Noord is a cool expanse to alive in with many new buildings going upwardly constantly.  (Your commute will require a slightly longer commute, including going beyond the water by automobile/bike (span) or ferry, but you'll salve a lot and at that place'due south many family-friendly options.) Information technology's popular with many families looking to have a flake more infinite.Zuid is a great surface area equally well.

American Areas yous'll salve coin living in: South East Amsterdam (Bijlmer), Bos & Lommer, Slotervaart, and Nieuwe West. These are primarily immigrant neighborhoods.  I lived in one of these areas and felt condom despite what everyone told me.

​As you lot get farther from the metropolis, you'll detect more affordable housing with an easy commute to Amsterdam from Diemen,Hoofddorp, Zaandam, Almere, and Haarlem. If you live in these areas, you'll need to commute to work by railroad train/autobus and a car might be helpful.

Beautiful picturesque canal in Amsterdam showing beautiful rentals. Read how to find an apartment rental without losing your mind!

Paperwork to hire an apartment in Amsterdam

Work contracts (Electric current [for upcoming yr] + Past 12 months).  You lot will have a lot of difficulties finding a full apartment here without a contract.

*If you're moving here unemployed, exercise temp housing until you accept a contract.  If your piece of work contract is for less than a year, you may need a letter from your employer about the intention to proceed you on for a year, which is typically required for mortgages, but y'all can ask your manager/Human Resources for this!)

If non-Eu, residence permits.

Banking company Statements (Past 12 months). They'll desire to encounter your bank statements for the past 12 months for every single month.  I know it seems unnecessary, but many owners/companies will carefully cheque your finances for stability.(Expat rentals are frequently more lenient if you have your work contract and substantial savings.)  If you're a  freelancer or an entrepreneur, they might desire paperwork for the last 3 years.

Pay-slips (Past 12 months).

How much coin do you demand saved to rent in Amsterdam?

Welp, you'll need information technology for a deposit, so plan on having at to the lowest degree 2 months hire equally yous'll demand it for the first month of renting and the deposit. Additionally, programme on covering ii-iii months of temporary housing while you lot settle in.

Planning ahead

I know yous desire to have an flat when you move here, just you'll need to Here to physically go to the viewing.  Similarly, most apartments are available immediatelyor only at the kickoff of the upcoming month.

If y'all're planning moving here in 3 months, the apartment is not going to be available then (Sorry).  Things movement fast, and then go along this in listen.Plan to offset looking seriously (non earlier!) near 1 month earlier you move with a solid backup plan for temporary housing.

Y'all'll see a agglomeration of apartments available for the beginning of the next month, then if you can move in earlier than the official date listed, mention this when you view the apartment as many landlords are often happy to accommodate you lot if the apartment IS empty. (I got an apartment over some other couple due to this!)

Best Websites to Bank check For Housing is the best place to look for apartments.  Information technology includes a  adept mix of Dutch/expat rentals.  I found my previous apartment through information technology and it's the ane I recommend most for whole apartments.

Kamernet.nlis where to expect for rooms.  There are likewise Facebook groups, however, you'll also come across scam artists.  This is the best place to observe a room. If y'all're a couple, don't plan on trying this route every bit people don't want to live with a couple (lamentable).

If yous're simply interested in high-cease, fully furnished places and you take the income, pararius can be expert, just it is very catered to high-income expats.

For VERY inexpensive housing, you can wait into anti kraak housing. Whenever is a building becomes abandoned OR a edifice is near to exist sold (simply won't be motility-in gear up for a few months), someone can live there. It needs to exist livable, only the idea is to proceed squatters out and ensure the property remains in skillful condition. Information technology seems crazy and you might not accept the place for more than a few months, just you can save a lot.

I've known people who have had full office edifice floors to themselves too as normal apartments. The process involves being able to read a lot of Dutch, but it's worth the work if you lot're on a budget. (More for Dutchies!)

Strategies to detect an apartment in Amsterdam

Friends are the BEST style to get an flat.

Leases are often passed to friends/acquaintances to minimize the movement of furniture/ripping up the floors.  It's in your involvement to enquire around. (I got an apartment this fashion.)

Filter by appointment online.  More than iii days; Information technology'due south gone.

Get a Dutch bank account.

Yous will demand to pay the deposit with a Dutch bank transfer.  If you're European, peachy.  If you're American, this is problematic.  Set up your bank account (in one case you lot have your BSN) ASAP every bit it normally takes 2-3 weeks.ABN Amro and ING are very expat-friendly.

If your employer is bringing you lot hither to piece of work or you lot're a educatee, ASK your employer/university for help.

Know your MAX rent, inclusive and sectional, with the income requirements.  If the apartment is likewise expensive, you will exist rejected.

Moving to Amsterdam? Your ultimate guide on how to find a flat to rent in Amsterdam written by an expat!

Go rid of your must-have list.  It'due south unlikely yous'll exist living on a culvert.  (Sad.)

Information technology'due south not enough to email; CALL to ask the status of an apartment.

Be fast on a Mon morning to get viewings and update the sail daily.

I found the most effective manner to get viewings was to telephone call about a list that I really wanted to see at eight:30am/9am on Monday morning while existent estate agents were adding new listings.  Update information technology every 48 hours equally things move fast here.

Continue Track of your Applications in an Excel

You'll receive calls at random times about viewings for apartments on Whatever Address 111. I'd be a bit disoriented, so I said yeah to every single viewing.  I wasted a lot of fourth dimension seeing apartments that I but practical for out of desperation.

Getting organized with an excel is the Best way to go along track of which apartments you lot like, when the list was posted, which apartments that you received viewings for, the specifications for the apartment, and which apartments that you demand to follow-upward with.

You tin view/download the excel here that my friends and I accept used past subscribing to my mailing list for more expat posts, travel tips, and inspiration!  (Updates in one case monthly with NO spam.)


Keep in mind your favorite apartments. I'd often get calls about apartments (Hello, I'm calling nearly X Straat 101!?), nonetheless not all of them were high on my list; I was merely desperate. It'southward worth holding out for a meliorate one and knowing which call you lot're waiting for.   (This is included in the excel!)

Make a Document Binder

Recollect those documents that I mentioned before? Print those and put them in a binder.  Every single time y'all get an appointment for a rental, bring information technology with yous as if you're not ready to rent information technology on the spot, the person with the date subsequently that twenty-four hours will be gear up.

If you lot become a viewing, ask how many people are seeing it Before you lot.  If there's 5+ or everyone comes in at the same fourth dimension, know that it's unlikely.

Focus on newer listings posted in the past 24 hours. Beyond that is less likely to still exist bachelor.

Ask when the Earliest viewing is available.  Become that one.

If you apply, prepare to clear your schedule equally viewings are almost only weekdays mid-day.

​As a real estate amanuensis told me, "If yous don't want it or y'all can't come, it will be rented past the end of today."

Make your conclusion before you go to the viewing. Indecisiveness = No apartment.

If at that place'due south 1 open firm, it will exist your only chance earlier it is rented. The time/date will non be changeable.

At viewings: Continue an open mind, be polite, and wearing apparel well.

​Many times, the real estate agent/owner will exist there and they have the final say in who gets the apartment. Leave a good impression.

If yous don't hear dorsum for a week about a viewing, it's gone.  (Update your Excel & get-go once again.)

Has this post helped you find an apartment in Amsterdam?

  • Read the toll of living in Amsterdam from rent to utilities.
  • Read about what it's like to live in Amsterdam.


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