Never Eat Cheese Again Bite Sized Nugget

What would you lot do if your favorite lodge barbarous onto a growing listing of discontinued fast-food items? You lot might be devastated, simply yous'd also exist comforted in knowing that y'all're non alone. Thousands of fast-food enthusiasts have lost their honey go-to's over the years—and have protested via petitions, Twitter hashtags, Facebook groups, and more to get them back. And some pleas have been successful.

Still, in that location are plenty of other fast-nutrient menu items that have had their moments in the spotlight, just won't be making a comeback anytime soon. From miniature cinnamon buns to whopping, extra-extra-large tacos, here are the discontinued fast-food items fans y'all'll never see over again… then over again, never say never.

For more than, don't miss these fifteen Classic American Desserts That Deserve a Comeback.

potato wedges from kfc on plate
Courtesy of KFC

Almost fast-food restaurants serve fries, simply KFC was an exception, until now. KFC discontinued its potato wedges and is switching to serving fries instead. Aye, we're heartbroken too.

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Pizza Hut Triple Decker Pizza
Analog Memories/YouTube

Certain things are objectively true: The sky is bluish, ii+2=4, and pizza with more cheese is meliorate. The good folks at Pizza Hut know this, which is why they stuffed as much cheese into this multi-layered pizza as they possibly could. Part of the belatedly-'90s boom of novelty fast food items, the Triple Decker secured a permanent identify in customers' hearts. Over twenty years afterward its launch, a Facebook fan page withal pays homage to the legendary pie.

That said, there is ane pizza pie that Pizza Hut just brought back after twelve long years!

Behold, the mysterious case of the retired chicken tenders that never were. A Facebook folio titled "Bring Back Burger King'south Chicken Tenders" has thousands of likes forth with many aroused fans who derided the company's try at replacing tenders with nuggets.

In September 2018, Burger King announced that it would be serving craven tenders, seemingly caving to public pressure with an encore appearance. The merely catch? They merits they've never served chicken tenders on the menu before, and take fifty-fifty created a series of commercials that play on the false memory of the retired menu particular.

Desire to continue the nostalgia going? These Old Idiot box Dinners Will Make You lot And then Cornball For Your Childhood.

Wendys frescata sandwich

Subway gained a massive marketplace share and was at its height in the early 2000s. The story could've stopped there with a sandwich monopoly, but considering spunky redheads are not known for bankroll downward from a challenge, Wendy's instead created a line of deli-style sandwiches in response. Many people loved the Frescata sandwiches and recollect them to this twenty-four hour period. Unfortunately for those fans, Frescatas were discontinued just ane twelvemonth afterward their introduction in 2006 due to poor sales and long prep times.

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mcdonalds arch deluxe burger

Were you live during the 1990s? So surely you remember the craze that was the Curvation Deluxe. McDonald's threw $150 meg at marketing the burger, which included a quarter-pound beef patty, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, brindled salary, lettuce, tomato plant, onions, on a sesame seed bun. If this sounds like a remix of the Large Mac theme vocal embedded in all of our brains, you're not solitary.

Nigh people dismissed the Curvation Deluxe as a more than expensive Big Mac, and it proved to be one of the biggest marketing flops of all fourth dimension. Just others with more sensitive, refined, fast-food palettes alleged the Curvation Deluxe the greatest burger in history and were dismayed at its demise. Luckily, more than than 2 decades afterwards, they got their way (sort of) when McDonald's unveiled the Archburger in 2018.

Whataburger beef steak fajitas

This Texas-based chain has hundreds of locations, mostly across the Due south and Southwest. Equally the name would suggest, the restaurant is famous for its burgers, but at that place'southward a hardcore fanbase out in that location who believed it should be renamed "Whatafajita," until its legendary steak fajitas were discontinued in the early 2000s. As this guy so eloquently put it via a annotate on Whataburger'south Facebook page, "Why did y'all end selling the beef fajitas?"

Taco bell chessarito

The Cheesarito is a unproblematic, cheap pleasure of cheese, scallions, and the delightfully vague "taco sauce" nestled in a soft tortilla. The Southward-of-the-border concatenation discontinued the Cheesarito but enthusiasts demand non despair. As the truly sophisticated fast-nutrient patron knows, there are no effectively delicacies than those on Taco Bell's "secret menu," where you can still find the glorious Cheesarito. Though for some folks, living in the shadows of the clandestine bill of fare isn't enough.

Related: Taco Bell Is Opening a Revolutionary New Eating place

Mcdonalds deep fried apple pie
Josefine Southward./Flickr

As customers increasingly look healthier carte du jour choices from restaurants, even fast-nutrient chains accept jumped on the bandwagon. In response to public demand for more nutritious apple pies, McDonald's replaced its crispy, delicious, fried crust with a much blander-broiled pie recipe.

Though it's slightly healthier, the difference doesn't seem substantial enough to justify the swap. The fried version reportedly has 240 calories, 13 grams of fat, and 25 grams of carbs, while the broiled version has the same number of calories, 11 grams of fat, and 33 grams of carbs. A petition to make apple pie fried again puts it like this: "McDonald's, we know you're non skillful for united states, and yous never will exist. You constitute a mode to brand kale salad unhealthier than a Large Mac. You managed to cram half dozen days' worth of added sugar into your oatmeal. We know you will never succeed here."

Taco Bell's Waffle Taco
Courtesy of Taco Bong

Practice you similar tacos? The reply to that question is surprisingly irrelevant to whether yous'd like Taco Bell's Waffle Taco. This foray into breakfast foods is a full diner breakfast wrapped in one convenient package. It was launched in 2014 and nixed in 2015 in favor of the Beige Taco, your run-of-the-mill egg and sausage breakfast sandwich curved into a taco-shaped novelty beige. When the breakfast-savvy public realized that curving a biscuit doesn't make it any tastier, they launched a full-fledged campaign to restore the Waffle Taco to the menu.

Sonic's French Toaster

This sandwich included two massive slices of French toast, eggs, and bacon or sausage. The breakfast of champions was introduced in 2015 just, inexplicably, Sonic chose to supersede it with the inferior Breakfast Toaster. This sandwich removes the best part—French toast—and replaces it with Texas toast, losing the sweetness-savory combo that devotees loved. Simply don't listen to me; take it from a guy who drove twenty miles but to get 1.

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McDonald's Chicken Nugget Szechuan Sauce
Courtesy of McDonald'due south

You may non be concerned well-nigh what sauce you consume your McNuggets with, but there are at least 45,126 people out there that think you lot need to get your priorities straight. That's the number of signatures on a petition devoted to bringing dorsum the McDonald's Szechuan sauce.

Burger king cini minis

In the late '90s, Burger King started an unlikely turf war with Cinnabon, introducing its response to the famous pastries. Cini-Minis were delectable, miniature rolls of sugary, gooey tastiness, and they were a hit amid fans of the King. One petitioner's pain is still very real: "Cini-Minis were a big part of my babyhood, and Burger Male monarch craven-stripped them away from me like the jesters they are."

KFC Double Down
Courtesy of KFC

Let's say your job is "sandwich designer" and your job description is "person that creates new sandwiches," just y'all're also a Kanye-type and refuse to stifle your cocky-proclaimed genius, no matter what the public may say. In that instance, yous might replace your bread with two deep-fried chicken filets, fill it defiantly with only cheese and special sauce, and then still have the nerve to annunciate it every bit a "sandwich" knowing total-well what sandwiches expect like. This is the [loosely interpreted] story of the KFC Double Down. Information technology was the butt of many jokes when it was released, simply its death was mourned by scores—and then much so that it fabricated a return for a limited time in 2014 due to pop need, and many nevertheless carry a torch for the "sandwich" to this twenty-four hours.

mcdonalds mcsalad shakers

Fast food isn't always about the gustatory modality—information technology's about convenience and choice. That'southward where the fans of McDonald'southward Salad Shakers come up in. The novelty of the plastic cup alone led to a Facebook grouping of fans dedicated to bringing information technology back. Here'southward the cadre of their argument: "This was a revolutionary fashion for the fast-food giant to sell healthy, nutritious food in a convenient, portable way with about no mess." Taste bated, they make a good point.

McDonald's Beef Tallow French Fries

While vegetarians rejoiced when McDonald's switched from using beefiness fat to vegetable oil for their French fries, non everyone was pleased. As numerous sources have noted, it'due south not your imagination that the chips tasted improve when you were a kid. The switch in the early '90s still has people riled up after all these years. The vegetable oil chips lack the savory flavor of old, but never fear—if you're committed, yous can whip up a homemade batch of beef-fat-fried goodness.

Yep, it's been proven! This Is Why McDonald's Fries Are So Addictive.

taco bell chalupa supreme

Introduced in 2010, this is a super-sized version of a archetype Taco Bong bill of fare detail, featuring a fried flatbread stuffed with ground beef, taco sauce, and a mount of cheese. There are nevertheless fans out in that location demanding its render who have called the new Double Chalupa cipher more than than a simulated prophecy.

Related: Taco Bong Simply Launched These Two New Tacos

Burger king crown shaped nuggests
Courtesy of Burger King

Crown-shaped nuggets are exactly what they audio like. We don't have to like things for logical reasons, OK? But if you need to analyze it, eating crown-shaped nuggets was the socially acceptable version of wearing the Burger King crown on your altogether as a kid, and don't we all however deserve that feeling? They were bachelor from 2006 to 2011 and are survived simply by a very sincerely written petition seeking to "bring awareness" about returning these nuggets to the throne.

KFC popcorn chicken nugget
Courtesy of KFC

Popcorn chicken was huge in the late nineties because it cutting to the core of why we love fried craven—the fried part. Fans put pressure on KFC to bring back popcorn chicken, and KFC obliged in the form of Popcorn Nuggets, a slightly larger iteration of the original. Justice is served (at 620 calories per serving).

Jack In The Box's Cheesy Macaroni Bites
Courtesy of Jack in the Box

Cheesy Macaroni Bites were introduced to Jack in the Box'south menu in 2008 with advertisements that made the odd claim that, due to their meaty triangular shape, it was a safer particular to eat while driving. While no one has ever thought to eat regular macaroni and cheese while driving in the unabridged history of cars, these delightful little salt and fat bombs didn't need decent advertising to become a cult favorite.

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