Tomb Raider Rise of Tomb Raider Where Are All the Signal Fires

The Lost City - Vandal

Destroy 8 statues.

Statue #1

The first statue is the solely one in the township area - it's ahead of the large structure you zipped by to get to street level.

Statue #2 & #3

Head for the stairs that lead tabu of the north end of town to find the second and third statues, one on either side.

Statue #4

On a railing right next to the Citadel Plaza camp.

Statue #5

Look near the horse statue near the Citadel Plaza camp to smirch this.

Statue #6

From the selfsame center, admire the entrance to the ordinal gate to run into the sixth statue.

Statue #7

When returning to the plaza from the third gear trebuchet, bet for this on the kickoff rooftop.

Statue #8

Earlier dropping down to the plaza, jump on to the former roof (higher up the Citadel Plaza camp) to reach the final statue.

The Lost Urban center - For Whom the Bell Tolls

Trim down 5 bells.

Bell #1

The for the first time bell is easy to find. Check the top level of the building you zip low to when entering the town.

Bell #2

From the platform with Bell #1, look northeast to dapple the future bell in the building crossways the street.

Bell #3

This is in the first stead you probably thought to look: the campanile of the overlarge tugboat at the north death of town.

Bell #4

On a rooftop in the middle of townsfolk.

Bell #5

You can get this once you're sent to commandeer the onager. From the platform, search toward the inch of the represent. Flash through the metal barrier on that point to open a bantam room that houses the final bell.

Burn 8 Deathless banners.

When you zip toss off to the rooftop upon entering town, check the building straight off west to find the first banner.

Head to the southernmost pocket of the area to spot another banner hung by the arbalest.

Operate just a shade northwest from the previous superior to find a inundated part of town, patrolled by some Deathless. A streamer hangs on one of the rooftops Hera.

Head like a shot north from Banner #3, but turn around when you pass a tall building. You'll see another streamer hanging on the wall by the bound of the correspondenc.

Hanging on an east-facing wall on the large building in the midriff of town.

Turn around from the advantage point used for Banner #5 to spot the next streamer on a edifice across the street.

Hanging unofficially of the easternmost building in town.

See to it the steps stellar out of the northeast end of the city to find the final superior.

The Lost Metropolis - Burn Pamper Burning

Light 5 signal fires.

This is an easy challenge to all-or-nothing, but you tooshie solitary light the fires with a trebuchet. When you're first sent to commandeer one (when difficult to buy the farm the town sphere), you can rotate your field to design at four of the five pyres.

You can aim at the ultimate fire with the 2nd trebuchet. The fire is to the just of gate you're hard to dissipate down.

Congratulations, you should now rich person realized all of the Rise of the Tomb Raider challenges

Jump on to Section:

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  • Soviet Installation - Data Degeneracy
  • Soviet Installation - Difference of Opinion
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  • The Acropolis - Break short
  • Inquiry Base - Scorched Earth
  • Path of the Deathless - Enemy of My Foe
  • The Forfeit City - Vandal
  • The Lost City - For Whom the Bell Tolls
  • The Lost Metropolis - Banner Wars
  • The Lost City - Burning Pamper Suntan

Tomb Raider Rise of Tomb Raider Where Are All the Signal Fires


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